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Memories that Never Fade    

"A bond is built forever - Forever and a day
Built on love - Built on trust
That's the canine way"

Memories that Never Fade...

CREDIT TO Kevin Hanrahan

During direct combat with the enemy, the fog of war is capable of consuming you. There are times when things slow down or speed up, periods in which you don’t remember your own actions. And then there are impressions during the fight that are ingrained in your brain forever.

Your thoughts are rarely of yourself but rather with your fellow warriors, especially if one of those warriors is like a son to you.  Specialist Marc Whittaker found himself in that exact situation with his best friend and son, patrol explosive detector dog, Anax.

A relatively routine security mission? Maybe. But this is Afghanistan where nothing is routine.  The enemy always has a vote and on this day the enemy was determined to ensure their voice was heard.

Withering fire erupted around Marc and Anax, forcing them to fall back as bullets whizzed by them.  Marc had body armor partially protecting him, but Anax didn’t.  Marc shielded Anax with his body, not caring about his safety–only Anax’s.  They were completely out in the open when the fire got too heavy. Marc decided they needed to find cover.

Imagine as you are running for cover, bullets peppering the terrain around you, you glance back…your son is not by your side like normal.  You stop, look back and see him whimpering on the ground, his blood rushing onto his once mahogany and black fur.  Fear takes hold and panic sets in as you scream out.  Your son just took the bullet that was meant to end your life.  Those are the impressions that  are ingrained in your head for the rest of your life.


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